Friday 23 February 2018

How to Play Indian Rummy Game Online?

What is Indian Rummy game all about?

Indian Rummy is a 13 card game that is played throughout India. It is also referred as Paplu. Based on the concept of draw and discard, the game is the favorite among Indian audiences for a generation. Thought to have roots in India, the game’s s popularity is now on a big surge post digitization of all card games.

What are the Indian Rummy Rules?

2-6 Players play this Indian Rummy card game. Players have seated in a 6-player or 2-player table accordingly. Each player is dealt 13 cards. Normally 2 decks of cards are used. A deck carries 52 cards made up of 4 suites – Hearts, Clubs, Diamond and Spade. There is a printed joker that comes along with the deck as well. The objective of the game is to arrange the 13 cards into proper sets and sequences with two sequences at least out of which one must be a pure sequence.

Terminologies in the Indian Rummy Game

Sequence:  A sequence is 3 or more cards that belong to the same suit and comes in a sequence eg: 8 ♣, 9♣, 10♣
Set: A set is three or more cards with the same rank but different suits eg: 8♣, 8♠, 8♥
Wild Joker: A card that is randomly selected at the beginning that acts like joker substituting for the missing cards in the sets or sequences. Cards belonging to the same rank of the selected card can be used as a joker
Eg: 3♠,4♠, 9♣ is a valid sequence if 9 is a joker.
Value of Cards: Face Cards ( K, Q, J) – 10 Points
Ace – 10 Points
Numerical cards – Their rank value
Dealing – Process of handing the 13 cards to each player is called Dealing
Show – The act of successfully submitting the 13 cards properly arranged is called show
Draw and Discard – These are the two steps wherein the customer draws a card from the open deck or closed deck and drops one in the discard pile to meet his objective
Melding – The act of grouping cards into proper sets and sequences is called Melding
Round – Round is a part of the game wherein each player in the table gets a turn to perform an action
Drop – Player has an option to miss a turn, the option to miss a turn is called drop. Whenever you play rummy online, you always get an option to drop.
First Round drop – Player walks away with 20 Points
Middle Drop – Player that drop anytime after the first round till the completion are considered to have used this middle drop option. For that, they walk away with 40 points.
Shuffle – Shuffling is a procedure used while playing card games to provide an element of chance.
Wrong Submit – Players who made an incorrect submit ie without meeting the complete objective are said to have committed wrong submit.
Toss – At the beginning of the game, a random card is given to each player. The player who receives the highest card gets to start the game.
Open Deck: The cards that the players discard forms what is known as an open deck. It is also called as Discard Pile
Closed Deck: After 13 cards are given to each player, remaining cards are kept with their face down to form what is called as the closed deck.
1.   Players have seated around in a table. 13 Cards are distributed to each player and the toss determines which player will be making his first move.
2.   Player has an option to sort his cards using the auto-sort future so that all colored cards will be grouped according to suits so that grouping becomes easy
3.   Player during his turn either picks the card from the open deck or closed dick in his pursuit to build sets & sequences
4.  The above turns continue till a player completes the objective by melding his 13 cards into valid sequences and/or sets.
5.   A player who met the objective must keep the final discard in finish slot and click on declare. If the submission is valid he wins the game else he loses.